Home Engineering Future Predictions For Social Engineering

Future Predictions For Social Engineering

by Ahmad
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In the world of social engineering, I once was asked to make some optimistic future predictions I see unfolding. This request sparked my new perspective on the industry. The word itself comes into being through that. That sounds like a pep talk style, a zoomed-out statement about how you can affect the world.

However, I am thinking about this global pandemic. We could all benefit from a bit of positivity in this world, which continues to change our social norms.

Users have engaged and shared their information on social networking sites because they are popular. These networks face several security risks because of the multiple kinds of information that circulate on them. A social network user may face social engineering threats more frequently than any other type of threat.

Social networking users should receive training and be made aware of such threats. The service needs to be used safely and continuously.

Globally, organizations and individuals increasingly depend on: 

  • You can use a computer
  • Using the Internet
  • Using virtual communication to share data. 

What Are Future Predictions?

In today’s world, cybersecurity is among the most critical issues. Such attacks may lead to substantial damage since valuable documents and data are lost. Cybercriminals may take advantage of deceptive social engineering strategies rather than technical methods to reach their victims. To manipulate their victims, social engineers use their motives, habits, and behaviors.

Factors and dimensions relevant to the user are considered. Social engineering can be predicted by predicting users’ vulnerability to it. Its ability to predict the vulnerability of SE victims using a scenario-based experiment.

In The Observation

The issue of social engineering has gained increasing attention over the past few years. Social engineering is becoming more widely regarded in the corporate world due to its potential malicious applications. There are security departments outside your normal ones. I find this to be exciting because of the rise in awareness. A growing number of companies are training their employees to use phishing, vishing, and impersonation.

However, these discussions extend beyond the corporate world. The topic of human communication and behavior has been making its way onto more and more online forums. The following topics have appeared in threads: 

  • A few tips for recognizing manipulative behavior and responding appropriately
  • Communicating in difficult situations
  • Another post like this. 

There have been some fascinating discussions under each. People who have seen how various malicious scams have been exploited using tactics they have seen.

A Prediction

These conversations are often started by people who unaware of them. Through them, social engineers become aware of the techniques that many of them use. Both sides of this awareness are present. Firstly, it makes people aware of the tactics. Secondly, it puts them in a position where they can use said tactics if they desire.

Although I have mentioned social engineering tactics a few times, I didn’t give a solid definition. These tactics may already be familiar to some of you. Many of you may not know. Still, others may have thought of many I haven’t mentioned or won’t mention in this newsletter.

What Is Theoretical Background?

Cyber-attacks, especially those based on social engineering, have not been on the rise for some time. Studies conducted on social engineering issues in: 

  • Environments involving email
  • Environments in which organizations operate
  • Social networks have recently been in the news. 

However, as this study shows, people’s ability to detect these exploits may differ depending on the context of the exploit. The influences create new elements and characteristics. These elements deserve further investigation.

An investigation of user characteristics performs in the present study. In particular, Facebook, from different angles such as people’s behavior, perceptions, and socioemotional. The aim was to identify the risks associated with SE threats and their predictability. Various social engineering scenarios used to determine people’s vulnerability levels. Following are the subsections that discuss each factor’s relationship with SE victimization in detail.

Actor Malicious

Perhaps you wonder whether a rise in knowledge and use of tactics like those discussed is beneficial. People are capable of misusing these tools maliciously in this world. Those people exist, have existed, and will exist for a long time. 

In everyday life, however, those people probably already inclined to manipulative or malicious behavior. As a result, I do not believe in the negative impact of education regarding these tactics. It will be of value only to those who can identify manipulation and know how to protect themselves.

The Goal

As a result, I challenge you to incorporate social engineering techniques into your daily conversations all week long. Consider offering quid pro quos in return for your time. Please pay attention to their reactions when you approach them. 

Positive effects on your relationship with your loved ones. A conversation should take place in a quiet place. Human hackers do not have to be red team professionals. In other words, FBI agents do this. Your experience greatly appreciated. Our goal is to keep discovering more about human behavior. So, we can help spread the word.

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