Home Energy Connecting Renewable Energy Sources Is A Priority For MISO

Connecting Renewable Energy Sources Is A Priority For MISO

by Ahmad
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Fast cars, fast food, and instant gratification are vital components of this particular culture and economy. Connecting renewable energy sources to the electricity grid is a very demanding process. The following information connects to new generation resources: 

  • Solar or wind power
  • Connected to a transmission grid
  • Developers must complete the Generator Interconnection Process. 

A study is conducted to determine if upgrading the transmission system is necessary to add the resource reliably. Thanks to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, improvements in the Generator Interconnection Process have consistently been made on a national level. A shortening of the timeline is currently discussed.

More than 64,000 megawatts of solar and wind power are awaiting interconnection through MISO. So, when there are no delays, a timeline of more than 505 calendar days. A critical need is to find a way to shorten the timelines to provide the information needed to move new resources forward. 

Many renewable energy developers feel that MISO’s August proposal will help them get their projects to market more quickly. They are using a comprehensive and collaborative process. MISO has developed a proposal that has two essential benefits when many stakeholders are involved. 

  • For developers, a shorter timeline to be able to get information about interconnection costs. 
  • MISO planning processes align.

What Is Renewable Energy?

The term renewable energy refers to the power that comes from natural replenishment but is flow-limited. In general, renewable resources have an indefinite lifespan. However, there is a maximum amount of energy stored per unit of time.

Renewable energy types include the following:

  1. Using biomass for composting
  2. Biomass, wood waste, and land clearing
  3. Garbage collected by municipalities
  4. Biogas from landfills
  5. The alcohol ethanol
  6. Using biodiesel
  7. Pumped hydropower
  8. Thermodynamics
  9. The wind
  10. Sunlight

It’s A Fact That Time Is Money

In addition to faster progress through the queue, the shorter timeline has other benefits. Therefore, developers won’t have their capital tethered longer than necessary. The system also prevents projects from waiting more than a year for the next cycle of approvals. Most recently, the queue window lasted until July 2021. Under the current schedule, the next opportunity isn’t until Fall 2022. 

Additionally, the new proposal allows developers to join the queue each year at the same time. Development teams would be able to schedule projects better this way. A timeline of over a year is currently in place. There is an over a year wait until the next cycle, with the deadline changing year to year.

  • Developers can also pick one of two paths with different timelines and levels of risk in the Timeline Reduction Plan proposed by MISO. 
  • In the first path, 132 calendar days save
  • Path #2 reduces the current process timeline by approximately 42 calendar days.

How Streamlining Processes Provides Benefits?

Throughout the interconnection process, MTEP and other planning processes synchronize. It enables MISO to be more efficient. Multiple transmission needs consider simultaneously for cost-effective planning. If adequate interconnection upgrades make, MIO can determine whether other electricity users will benefit economically. 

To reap the benefits of this alignment, MISO should change its transmission planning processes. Consumers also benefit from streamlined processes due to MISO’s ability to identify upgrades that serve multiple purposes. The consumer gets a better deal. The process of improving it makes easier by several renewable energy developers and activists. 

It is important to note that Affected System studies are complex. Risky when a proposed project is near a nearby transmission system. Furthermore, MISO must find the lowest cost Network Upgrade solutions in time. For each study cycle, ICs must submit their least-cost solutions, which review and accepted.

Nevertheless, the MISO Generator Interconnection Process and stakeholders and renewable energy advocates greatly appreciated by developers and stakeholders. The GIP timeline has been shortened as part of its latest proposal. Pressure on the reduction of carbon emissions is coming from: 

  • Organizations
  • Services
  • Various states 
  • Increase the amount of clean energy
  • Electrifying the grid with renewable energy at a low cost
  • There is always an advantage to being faster

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